The recent hydrocarbon discovery by Petrobras in Block 500 of the Santos Basin, within an interval interpreted to be highly porous, possibly fractured carbonates, has rekindled international interest within the carbonate plays along the Brazilian Margin, particularly within the region from the Santos Basin northward through to the northern Espirito Santo Basin. Further discoveries in BC 200 and in the vicinity of the Guarajuba field has further underlined such interest.
Core Laboratories is pleased to present a study to evaluate the Cretaceous carbonates. The objective is to undertake a detailed investigation of the sedimentological, petrographical, biostratigraphical and petrophysical properties of the carbonate reservoirs, integrated with evaluation of associated seal rock lithologies and correlated with the local tectonic or halokinetic structures. The study is approved under Ordinance 114 by ANP.
The primary technical objective of the proposed study is to extend the geological model of carbonate plays established for the shelfal parts of the Brazil Basins to establish a high-resolution, fully integrated, geological model for the Cretaceous carbonates. The study will primarily focus on carbonates of Aptian to Cenomanian age which include a range of shallow marine and resedimented deep marine facies. Interpretation of data will include high resolution analysis of depositional environments, reservoir and seal geometries.
Five (5) bound interpretive volumes are provided. These volumes are fully illustrated with figures, analytical data and regional data in the form of maps, and cross sections. Conclusions from the analytical and interpretive program will be synthesised into regional interpretations.