Fluid and Gas Geochemistry
Get to know your fluids
Molecular fossils from once-living organisms can be analyzed in crude oils and extracts. Their distributions help interpret factors like organic matter type, deposition environmental conditions, lithology, thermal maturity, and in-reservoir biodegradation.
Exploration Geochemistry
Oil inversions and correlations between oil, gas, and source rocks using biomarker and isotope parameters create unique fingerprints for each fluid, reflecting their genetic and post-genetic histories.
Production Allocation and Reservoir Continuity
Determine reservoir continuity and compartmentalization in oil fields, both vertically in a well and laterally across wells. Assess production allocation in commingled or multi-zone production with Time-Lapse Geochemistry.
Gas Origin
Risk reduction relies on locating a trap and assessing the likelihood of petroleum migration from mature source rock into the trap without escape or destruction. The geochemical and isotopic composition of natural gas enables distinction between biogenic and thermogenic sources to understand origin.
Frac Evaluation
Isotopic composition of intervals helps evaluate fracking height and effectiveness and provides cost-effective data for interpreting geological or engineering information.