Available in RAPID
Core Laboratories has conducted a comprehensive sedimentological, petrographic, and petrophysical study of Wolfcamp Reservoirs of west Texas. The study area includes Yoakum, Terry, Borden, Scurry, Glasscock, Howard, Upton, Pecos, Ector, Andrews, Gaines, Garza, and Reagan Counties. The objective of the study is to define the interrelationships of depositional environments, diagenesis, and reservoir quality and to quantify petrophysical properties according to porosity type.
The analytical program includes detailed core descriptions on 2,900 feet of conventional core from thirty-four (34) wells. Petrographic thin section description analysis, Mineralog™, scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction were incorporated in the geological portion of the study. Routine core analysis, brine capillary pressure, electrical properties, steady-state relative permeability, and high-pressure mercury-injection capillary pressure were performed on representative samples.
The project results were delivered in two volumes. Volume I contains lithologic description logs, thin section photomicrographs with description, XRD data, core analysis data, and advanced rock properties data. Volume II provides discussions, conclusions, and recommendations with figures including photo plates, plots, cross-sections, maps, and block diagrams.
- Thirty-four (34) wells
- 2,900 feet conventional core