Gulf of Thailand Petroleum Geology
Core Laboratories completed “A Regional Petroleum Geology and Hydrocarbon Potential Study of the Gulf of Thailand” in September 1995. This study has been fully updated with eight (8) additional wells. …
Core Laboratories completed “A Regional Petroleum Geology and Hydrocarbon Potential Study of the Gulf of Thailand” in September 1995. This study has been fully updated with eight (8) additional wells. …
The main technical objective of the study is to generate a geological model for the area. The geological model provides an improved basis for paleogeographic, structural, and hydrocarbon evaluation, and …
The main technical objectives of this study are to provide a geological model and detailed economic assessment of the Foreland Basins of Eastern Indonesia. The geological model will provide an …
China Offshore Oil Donghai Corporation (CODHC) in association with Core Laboratories have undertaken a Petroleum Geology and Hydrocarbon Potential Study of the Xihu Trough, East China Sea, PRC. A database …
Available in RAPID Data pertaining to the deepwater reservoirs is critical to many companies’ evaluation of new opportunities in the Asia Pacific Region. This data is generally not available to …
The study, encompassing the Khmer Trough/Shelf and the Overlapping Zone, has well control from nine wells in Cambodia, and associated seismic in both Cambodian waters and the Overlapping Zone, together …
BAPEX in association with Core Laboratories has completed A Regional Petroleum Geology and Hydrocarbon Potential Study of Bangladesh (on and offshore). A database of thirty (30) wells and approximately 10,000 …
As a follow-up to our recent North Atlantic regional geology studies offshore Ireland (Porcupine Basin, Offshore Ireland, 2015) and offshore eastern Canada (Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador, 2016), Core Laboratories …
Phase 1: Porcupine Basin A non-proprietary regional, rock-based study which provides a fully integrated digital database incorporating legacy and new geological datasets. Key highlights of the study available now include:
Following on from Core Laboratories’ regional evaluation of the Porcupine Basin, Ireland, and numerous regional studies across the South and Central Atlantic Margins, this study utilises geological datasets from key …