Petroleum Services

We leverage our expertise to provide subsurface data and innovations that enable our clients to sustain the world’s needs for reliable, affordable, and cleaner energy.

Petroleum Services is the world’s largest and most technologically advanced independent provider of reservoir fluid and petrophysical services to the oil and gas industry. We provide data, services and equipment that characterize the any reservoir rock and all three reservoir fluids – gas, oil and water.

Leveraging Data. Unlocking Reservoir Potential.

Core and reservoir fluid characterization is a crucial step in the exploration, development, and production of oil and gas reservoirs, as well as in the evaluation and optimization of carbon capture and storage (CCS) sites. Core analysis programs provide valuable measured information on the reservoir’s properties, such as porosity, permeability, fluid content, and rock type, which are essential for calibrating the well logs, creating petrophysical models and determining the economic viability of the resource and the potential for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) and CCS. Information obtained from reservoir fluid analysis can help determine the economic viability of the resource, optimize production, and improve reservoir management.


North America


Advanced Technology Center

6316 Windfern Road
Houston, TX 77040
direct tel: 1-713-328-2673

middle East

Abu Dhabi

Advanced Technology Center

Plot No. 4D Sector MN4
Abu Dhabi, UAE
direct tel: 971-2-5554428



Technology Center

Howe Moss Drive
Dyce, Scotland
Aberdeen, AB21 OGL
direct tel: 44-1224-421000

Asia Pacific


Technology Center

447-449 Belmont Ave
Perth, 6105, Australia
direct tel: 61 08 9353 8888

Latin America

Rio de Janeiro

Technology Center

Rua Benedito Ontoni
No. 37 São Cristóvão
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 20-940-180

direct tel: +55 21 3035-4700  




5 Rue Louis Bleriot
Frepillon, Val D’Oise 95740
direct tel: 01 30 40 20 51

North America


Technology Center

2810 – 12th Street N.E.
Calgary, Alberta T2E 7P7
direct tel: 1-403-250-4000

North America


Regional Laboratory

2550 W 2nd Ave Unit 110
Denver, CO 80219
direct tel: 1-780-532-4047

North America


Reservoir Fluids

5820 Highway 90 East
Broussard, LA 70518
direct tel:  1-337-839-9060

24 Hr Numbers

Houston, Texas


Midland, Texas


Broussard, Louisiana


Corpus Christi, Texas


Denver, Colorado


Anchorage, Alaska


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