Ambient Resisitivity System – ARS-200
Ambient Resistivity System – a state of the art resistivity measuring system features a programmable RCL meter, pneumatic atmospheric core holder and 2/4 electrode measuring system. The ARS-200 is specifically designed to assist universities and other teaching institutions with the hands on instruction process.
The ARS-200 provides a modern state of the art measuring instrument that allows the student to go through the measurement process in a structured transparent method. The ARS-200 features a pneumatic atmospheric core holder that allows a consistent loading to be applied to the sample eliminating operator error from the measurements. The instrument is forgiving in its operation and does not require mercury nor elevated pressures to operate, enhancing user safety.
This instruction-focused design allows the student to build on his basic knowledge of core Resistivity measurements and their relationship to the correct calculation of water saturation from the down hole logs using the classic Archie relationship:
Resistivity determinations are usually made in conjunction with porous plate capillary pressure measurements (CPPP-200 de-saturation cell system) to enable the calculation of Formation Factor and Resistivity Index values along with the cementation, “m”, and saturation, “n” exponents.
Scope of Supply:
Digital Resistivity Meter is a precision RCL meter; the unit has the capability to make 2 & 4 electrode measurements. Measurement ranges are: Resistance 0.000 ohms to 200 Mega ohms, Frequency is 1kHz. In addition capacitance, phase angle, and inductance are available.
Coreholder, atmospheric resistivity, plug size, pneumatic control, temperature stabilization Conductivity meter for brine conductivity.