Fluid Sampling and On-Site Analyses

Expertly trained field engineers ensure the collection of representative samples for subsequent laboratory analysis.

Field chemists are available to perform critical on-site evaluation of oil, gas, and water.

Ask an expert today to learn more about how Fluid Sampling and Wellsite Services can help you: 

  • Design the appropriate sampling program for your project 
  • Perform trace element analysis such as H2S, Mercaptans, Mercury, Radon etc.
  • Transfer representative fluids into DOT certified cylinders

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Fluid Sampling and On-Site Analyses

Fluids Sampling

Obtaining representative samples is a key step in any PVT and fluids characterization study. Our field sampling engineers and chemists are trained to collect subsurface, wellhead, separator, processing plant, and atmospheric samples. These pressurized and atmospheric samples are transported to the laboratory using certified and approved cylinders or containers which are available in various sizes and materials depending on the type of fluids being sampled. 

On-site Analyses

On-site analysis during an extended flow period, such as a DST, is ideal for obtaining crucial time-sensitive information on produced fluids such as oil, gas, and water for field development, process design, and pipeline specification. Due to factors like trace concentrations, reaction/losses to sampling cylinders, short half-life, and sample volume requirements, it’s not always feasible to gather this information in a lab setting.