Rail and Road Cars
Our dedicated inspectors provide peace of mind when transporting petroleum products via rail or road tanks. We understand the paramount importance of safety and cargo integrity in petroleum transportation and ensure that our inspectors are trained in all aspects of best practices for handling rail and road trucks, including HSE requirements, cargo integrity, and quantity determination. Our inspectors are equipped to meet all current requirements and standards.
Before loading, our inspectors conduct a thorough check to ensure that the tank(s) are in a suitable condition, including cleanliness, to receive the designated grade of the product. They also draw samples of the product to be loaded to ensure conformity with the customer’s expected specifications.

After loading, our inspectors determine the quantity loaded and witness the closing of all valves and lids, applying seals if required by the transaction partners. Upon arrival at the discharge location, our inspectors examine the integrity of all seals, valves, and lids and witness the discharge operation, which is carried out similar to that at the load location.
After completion of the discharge operation, our inspectors examine the tanks to ensure that all valves and lids are securely closed and sealed where necessary, ensuring the integrity of the empty tanks for the return journey.