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Optimize Flood Performance During Any Stage of the IOR/EOR Process

SPECTRAFLOOD™ is an interwell tracer diagnostic service that comprises a versatile array of unique chemical tracers designed to track the movement of injected fluids within the reservoir. Commonly referred to as a tracer survey, chemical tracers are deployed into target injection wells and sampled at pattern and off-pattern producers, yielding specific qualitative information about the reservoir.

Common EOR/IOR Applications

Direct Communication Between Injector and Producer

Exact Breakthrough Times Between Injector and Producer

Identification of Natural Fractures, Thief Zones and Faults

Extent of Formation Layering

Swept Pore Volume and
Sweep Efficiency

Conformance Gel Treatment Volume Estimation

SPECTRAFLOOD™ interwell tracers can also be used to evaluate reservoir heterogeneity during an IOR/EOR pilot study. An understanding of reservoir heterogeneity is crucial to the success of any IOR/EOR process. Interwell tracers provide the only means of directly tracking the movement of injected water through the reservoir.

Samples are collected according to a precise sample schedule, providing a chronological analysis over time. Laboratory analysis follows stringent QC through adoption of EPA quality control management standards and reports in parts per trillion (ppt).

SPECTRAFLOOD™ tracers are non-radioactive, HSE friendly, chemically inert, and do not degrade over time.