Human Rights
Core Lab is committed to respecting human rights. Our commitment to human rights is reflected in our Core Values of honesty, integrity, and building trust, and we strive to protect the rights of people in the communities where we operate to ensure that they are all treated with dignity and respect. To accomplish this, our Human Rights Policy, in conjunction with a network of codes of conduct, policies, and statements, provides a worldwide framework for responsible operations consistent with the spirit and intent of the International Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Additionally, we adhere to guidelines established in the United Nations’ Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
Commitment Areas
- Freedom of Association and Right to Collective Bargaining
- Eradication of Modern Slavery
- Elimination of Workplace Discrimination, Harassment, and Unprofessional Behavior
- Ensuring Equal Opportunity
- Upholding Women’s Rights
- Protecting Privacy Rights
- Upholding Supply Chain Standards
- Exclusion of the Use of Conflict Minerals
Communication and Action
Stakeholder understanding of Core Lab’s commitment to human rights is crucial to success. We therefore take several steps to embed our policy and expectations. By building awareness and instilling a sense of empowerment, owe are better able to identify, avert, and correct compliance issues.


Annual Training


Code and Policy